Blogger Recognition Award

I got a huge surprise when I found out that Crisly Zerudo from blog had nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award, especially that my blog is mostly in my native language that is in Polish therefore I’m so happy that Crisly felt intrigued by my artworks I present on my blog. Thank you Crisly, I’m truly honoured!

I am truly honored to be nominated to the Blogger Recognition Award! Check out whom I have nominated!

So to accept the Award, there are some ‘Rules’ of the Blogger Recognition Award:

– I must thank the Blogger who nominated me and provide a link to their blog.

– I must write a post to show the award.

– I must write a brief story on how my blog started.

– I must give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

– I must select 15 bloggers to pass this award on to.

– I must comment on each of their blogs to let them know they have been nominated for this award and provide a link to this post.

I am truly honored to be nominated to the Blogger Recognition Award! Check out whom I have nominated!

Zasady Blogger Recognition Award:

  • w swoim poście napisz podziękowanie dla blogera, który Cię nominował i podaj link do jej/jego bloga

  • napisz post o tym wyzwaniu

  • napisz jak zaczęła się Twoja przygoda z blogowaniem

  • udziel dwóch porad początkującym blogerom

  • wybierz 15 blogerów, których nominujesz

  • opisz krótko blog każdego z nich i podaj link


I am truly honored to be nominated to the Blogger Recognition Award! Check out whom I have nominated!

How my story started:

I decided to create my blog on the New Year’s Eve 2013/2014 so in the early morning 01. Juanuary 2014 my blog was ready. At the beggining of my blog journey I had been mostly reviewing art exhibitions I had visited, as I am an artist myself, the comment section had been blocked by me thus I had been writing mostly for myself and the muses.

I used to be extremely inconsistent in my writing. In 2015 I posted only 3 writeups. I started posting regularly in January 2017 after my mother’s cerebral hemorrhage. My mother since December 2016 has been in vegetative state after severe brain haematoma. I’ve had to take care of my 92-year old grandma, of our pets, of our house and of my mother’s very complicated matters. My mom, now 73, used to work in Germany and married a German citizen, he passed away two years ago. My mother hasn’t applied for her retirement pension neither has she applied for the widow’s pension after her German husband. So as she is now in a sort of a coma I have to take those responsibilities into my hands and apply on her behalf for the pension she should be entitled to. There’s only one problem… I don’t speak German at all. In the same time I was diagnosed with bone tumour which was too much for me. I had to quit my artistic career and take care of my mother and my grandma. I have no other family and it soon occurred I have no friends. As an artist I used to be a very popular person to hang around with, I used to invite my “so called friends” to my art exhibitions. And they loved to come over to show up in my presence  and to have a free glass of wine. It’s nice to have an artist among your acquintances isn’t it? As I do not exhibit for the time being all my friends apparently forgot about me. Whenever I asked for help everything I heard back was: “Take care and Good luck”. An unemployed artist with bone tumour, financial and family tragedies is not the most socially needed person.

So in the evenings I started writing for my blog and presenting my artwork there. Now I post dilligently one post ever week. Or at least I try very hard to do so.


Two pieces of advice?

First of all don’t treat blogging as a must because you’ll soon get bored with it. You don’t have to write each and every week. Once a month is fine, whenever it suits you.

Second of all you have to find your target group, you can’t write for everybody and nobody. If your blog is a specialized one, it is easier to find your group of readers. If you write a personal blog like me then you have to find out who your potential reader is. I’m a single childless 38 – year old female vegan, unemployed, interested in arts, fashion, cosmetics and photography and I write for women like me.

I am truly honored to be nominated to the Blogger Recognition Award! Check out whom I have nominated!

My nominees for Blogger Recognition Award:


A vegetarian who’s intending to go vegan. She writes about travelling, veggie recipes and so on.


A vegan who presents veggie recipes and writes about life, his life struggles and his travels.


A beauty guru who writes about weight loss, cosmetics and stuff.


Very interesting and dynamic young yet very experienced blogger.


Beauty, fashion, lifestyle, check out her blog!


Very interesting colourful posts, check them out!


Passionate blogger!


If you are seeking wisdom, optimism, laughter and love through writing you have to visit this blog.


A real makeup artist!


If you’re into travels you have to check out this blog!

Very intriguing content, check it out!


Experienced traveler


If you’re into lifestyle blogs you definitely have to check this one out!


a one-stop online resource for women who love the wonderful outdoors!


Another beauty guru as I love cosmetics!

I am truly honored to be nominated to the Blogger Recognition Award! Check out whom I have nominated!


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35 Replies to “Blogger Recognition Award”

  1. Congrats !! You must be over the moon! This is amazing and I totally agree with you if you are not blogging for pleasure then stop blogging LOL.

  2. Congratulations on your blogging award. That’s so amazing. I agree with your advice. When I started I went hardcore and burned out very quickly. Now that I’ve learned to pace myself and set up a schedule it has gotten significantly easier.

  3. Congrats on your nomination for the Bloggers Recognition Award. These are two great pieces of advice for all new bloggers. Thanks for sharing your story and advice.

  4. It’s always nice to be recognized by your fellow bloggers. When you find the right community online, you’ll find such love and support.

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